Germany: Berlin, Part 2

Following on from my previous post, I dedicated the next day to exploring the eastern side of Berlin. Occupied by the soviets following the end of WWII, I’d heard of the contrast between the other half and couldn’t wait to explore it for myself. Structuring the path of my day taking tactical cafe visits into account, something I recommend any coffee enthusiast do in this city, I followed up a visit to Ben Rahim coffee and Father Carpenter’s with a gander at the DDR Museum. Although […]

Germany: Berlin, Part 1

It’s hard to deny that Berlin has a reputation. And not just in one sense, either; be it partying, history, culture, coffee, Berlin has a lot to offer in many different respects. I didn’t originally plan on heading to Berlin on this trip, but I ended up joining a group heading to Berlin for New Years. Berlin also has a bit of a reputation for being a wild place to be at this time of the year, so why not combine culture with a bit […]

Germany: Oktoberfest

Beer, beer, and beer. Those are three of the more popular things Oktoberfest is known for. Well, pork knuckles, wurst, pretzels, leather pants and nice looking women are on the list, too. What I did not realise, or even consider to be honest, is how much else there is going on at this place. You could spend a whole day walking around trying out the different rides and eating food and not even make your way in to a tent for a beer, although that would […]

Germany: Heidelberg and Eberbach

After a boozy day in Munich, I boarded what is hopefully my last ever ride with Flixbus to Heidelberg, a town on the way to 350km north-west of Munich and conveniently on the way to my final destination on my ‘land trek,’ The Netherlands. This won’t be a long post as my main reason for getting off the bus in Heidelberg was to visit my good pal Rob, who recently moved to a small town near Heidelberg called Eberbach. The area is rather picturesque, dotted with […]

Germany: One Day in Munich

Before I yarn about my fun-filled day in Munich, I’m going to have a rant. At this point in my journey, I’ve travelled over 30,000 km’s by land, through countries with third world transport infrastructure, monopoly currency and language that sounds more like ancient Egyptian than anything else I’ve ever heard. However, it was getting from Italy to Germany that has been the most frustrating leg of this trip I’ve had to take so far. I’ll summarise it as briefly as I can. Due to […]