Spain: Lanzarote, Part 1

Wow, it’s been a long time since I scribbled about travelling! Since the move to the Netherlands, travel has been less regular for sure. However, part of the motivation for moving here was ease of access to travel spots and recently my partner and I decided to escape the Dutch December (cold, wet, and grey) for a few days and hit the warmth. Our criteria were that it had to be warm, reasonably priced, relaxing and not too commercialised and full of tourists. We took […]

Spain: Axarquía

When I last visited the mainland of Spain, it was only a few days in Valencia but that was enough to make me want to see more. The climate is always great, the people are friendly, the food is fantastic (and also very good at making you rotund) as well as being pretty reasonably priced for Europe. What’s not to like? I flew into Malaga, which is right down the bottom of Spain, east from Gibraltar and across the Alboran Sea from Morocco. I had booked […]

Spain: Ibiza

I don’t know where to start with this post. Usually I would construct a blog post in a chronological style, breaking down the week by day and documenting them as they went, but it’s hard to do that when you’re trying to write about a week that was kind of a blur, that went by so quickly that it seemed like a dream. My friends and I are known to partake in the odd social gathering and occasionally listen to silly repetitive music which resonates with our […]

Spain: Valencia

Following our drive down the Riviera in the direction of Spain, Adam and I jumped on a high speed train to Valencia, via Barcelona. I didn’t stop in Barcelona this time, even though it was my first time in Spain. I had a flight out to Ibiza in a few days, and from what I’ve heard about Barcelona it’d be a waste trying to do it justice in only one or two nights. I decided to leave it for next time and use the five […]