Portugal: Porto and Aveiro

As I mentioned in my previous post about Lisbon and Coimbra, one of the great things about visiting Portugal is how you can see a lot of it in a short time frame due to its size. Travelling from Coimbra up to Porto was a matter of around 13 Euros and another couple of hours on the train. We arrived on Christmas Eve to more great weather. Porto has a metro network making it very easy to get around. After checking in to our AirBnB, we […]

Portugal: Lisbon and Coimbra

When I was younger, I remember that whenever it got to Christmas time, my Mother would always secretly wish that the weather wasn’t great. I know, right? This was because, unlike a typical Christmas day in the land of the long white cloud, it reminded her of home, where there was a good chance of having a white Christmas. However, the same does not sit true for me, and I would much prefer sitting on a warm beach. This isn’t easily achieved in Europe in […]